..............................Persis is married!..............................

Friday, January 27, 2006


Have you noticed how your hair looks perfect just before you cut it?

There's something very soothing about going to the hairdresser's. I go to a Japanese salon in the middle of Mayfair, so it is 'haik gozaimas' all around when I arrive (have definitely misspelled that). Then, in a sort of reverse-Cinderella process, my coat, scarf, bag are whisked away in a turn, a coat appears on me in another turn, and before I know it, I'm seated by the window, a steaming cup of sweet sweet latte and a pile of fashion magazines in front of me, and Mie smiling behind saying, 'So, what do you want to do today?'. Keep the length, trim the layers, let's do something with the fringe. I love how she nods in assent to everything I say. The quiet cogs and wheels whir, and my chair is slowly reclined into a wash basin. Mm, the luxury of a professional wash. I feel all my stresses and aches wash down the sinkhole. I don't notice very much of the actual haircut, to be honest, lost as I am in the pictorial journalism that is Red and Instyle. I only look up when Mie starts giving me a head massage, the scent of peppermint oil whafting around me and clearing my sinuses. Then it is another round of thank yous and goodbyes and kisses. Everyone talks to you in a Japanese salon - it's just the done thing!

Love my new hair. It's very swishy, and I have a fringe of sorts at last!

"We are all middle class now." But did you know? According to Red, there are different types of middle class...! Think I'm the organic milk and eggs - did you know I recycle - save the world intellect sort...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Just one night

Leah and I are in agreement: At this very moment, we want nothing more than for a prince charming on a white horse to whisk us away for the night and leave all this philosophical struggle behind.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Flowers in the office

Look what I got? Ain't they pretty?

Like a kiss from nature, they made me smile.